In cursul zilei de astazi compania Valve, producatorii cele mai avansate platforme de jocuri online, Steam, lanseaza noul mod “Big Picture“, serviciu care ofera gamerilor acces la jocurile favorite pe un televizor. El a fost conceput pentru a fi folosit cu un gamepad traditional si bineinteles cu suport pentru tastatura si mouse.
Gamers existing games are all available in Big Picture. In addition to having the complete library of Steam games, each user’s cloud files, Steam Workshop content, account information and preferences will be accessible automatically in the new mode.
Steam gamers may easily experience Big Picture on their televisions by connecting their PC or Mac, typically with a single HDMI cable. Big Picture also includes a new web browser designed for televisions and game controllers. It is accessible from anywhere within the Big Picture UI, and even while playing Steam games on a TV. It supports Big Picture’s new method of typing with a gamepad, which is useful for entering URLs, filling out forms, chatting, and other functions.
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Sursa: Steam
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