Știm că din toamnă compania Apple, pe lângă iPhone 6, ne va prezenta și noul său ceas iWatch. Se pare că va fi disponibil în mai multe variante, însă nu se știe exact ce înseamnă aceasta. Poate să aibe forme diferite?
The new wrist device from Apple will include more than 10 sensors including ones to track health and fitness, these people said. Apple aims to address an overarching criticism of existing smartwatches that they fail to provide functions significantly different from that of a smartphone, said a person familiar with the matter.
Apple showed its interest in health and fitness-tracking last month with a new app called Health, designed to collect all of a user’s fitness and health data in one spot. However, Apple didn’t introduce its own device to collect that data, fueling speculation that the company would unveil a sensor-laden wearable device at a later date. (sursă)
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