Daca doriti sa achizitionati un iPad Air, trebuie sa stiti ca a fost conceput in asa fel incat sa fie cel mai subtire dar si cel mai perfomant, insa cei de la iFixit il denumesc iPad Air nereparabil.
● The LCD is easy to remove once the front panel is taken off the iPad.
● The battery is not soldered to the logic board. We’ll give it that.
● Just like in previous iPads, the front panel is glued to the rest of the device, greatly increasing the chances of cracking the glass during a repair.
● Gobs, gobs, and goblins of adhesive hold everything in place. This is the most difficult battery removal procedure we’ve seen in an iPad.
● The LCD has foam sticky tape adhering it to the front panel, increasing chances of it being shattered during disassembly.
● You can’t access the front panel’s connector until you remove the LCD.
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