Dacă sunteți fani Google și folosiți serviciile lor, de Gmail, Google Docs, Drive, etc acum puteți folosi pe iOS aplicația Google Sheets și Google Docs cu ajutorul cărora administrezi documentele tale din drive.
Create, edit & collaborate with others on spreadsheets from your iPod, iPhone, or iPad with the free Google Sheets app.
– Create new spreadsheets or open and edit any that you started on the web or another device.
– Share spreadsheets and work together with others in the same spreadsheet at the same time
– Get stuff done anytime–even without an internet connection
– Format cells, enter/sort data, perform various sheet operations, and more
– Never worry about losing your work–everything is automatically saved as you type
[app url=”https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-sheets/id842849113?mt=8″]
[app url=”https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-docs/id842842640?mt=8″]
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