Știți jocul ăla tâmpit cu pasărea și țevile din Mario, care a fost retras din App Store și care a creat o mare nebunie în toată lumea, a fost retras de către dezvoltator sau Apple, după multe discuții, se pare că paparazzi i-au agresat familia, a primit mesaje de amenințări, iar de aici a venit decizia de a renunța la un joc tâmpit care a generat 50.000$ pe zi.

Iată căci chinezul din spatele aplicației Flappy Bird, o să o publice din nou în App Store, însă cu un pop-up de avertisment, pentru copii, să nu se mai joace atâta că provoacă dependeță.

But the hardest thing of all, he says, was something else entirely. He hands me his iPhone so that I can scroll through some messages he’s saved. One is from a woman chastising him for “distracting the children of the world.” Another laments that “13 kids at my school broke their phones because of your game, and they still play it cause it’s addicting like crack.” Nguyen tells me of e-mails from workers who had lost their jobs, a mother who had stopped talking to her kids. “At first I thought they were just joking,” he says, “but I realize they really hurt themselves.” Nguyen – who says he botched tests in high school because he was playing too much Counter-Strike – genuinely took them to heart.(sursă)

Flappy Bird

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