Sony și KIRKBI o subsidiară a familiei care deține LEGO investesc 2 miliarde dolari în Epic Games pentru a construi o lume virtuală folosind platforma Metaverse a celor de la Facebook.

Epic Games primeste de la Sony si KIRKBY Lego 2 miliarde dolari pentru Metaverse

Atât Sony cât și LEGO au ve devenit parteneri importanți pentru cei de la Epic Games. Lego și-a anunțat parteneriatul cu Epic Games acum câteva zile printr-un comunicat menționând faptul că vor să investească într-un joc pentru copii în Metaverse. Sony a investit deja 250 milioane dolari în iulie 2020 și încă 200 milioane dolari anul trecut, deci lucrurile par să se îndrepte către o lume virtuală.

As a creative entertainment company, we are thrilled to invest in Epic to deepen our relationship in the metaverse field, a space where creators and users share their time. We are also confident that Epic’s expertise, including their powerful game engine, combined with Sony’s technologies, will accelerate our various efforts such as the development of new digital fan experiences in sports and our virtual production initiatives.


— Kenichiro Yoshida, Chairman, President, and CEO of Sony Group Corporation

Epic Games is known for building playful and creative experiences and empowering creators large and small. A proportion of our investments is focused on trends we believe will impact the future world that we and our children will live in. This investment will accelerate our engagement in the world of digital play, and we are pleased to be investing in Epic Games to support their continued growth journey, with a long-term focus toward the future metaverse.


— Søren Thorup Sørensen, CEO of KIRKBI

As we reimagine the future of entertainment and play we need partners who share our vision. We have found this in our partnership with Sony and KIRKBI. This investment will accelerate our work to build the metaverse and create spaces where players can have fun with friends, brands can build creative and immersive experiences and creators can build a community and thrive.


— Tim Sweeney, CEO and Founder of Epic Games

Compania Epic Games este condusă de CEO-ul Tim Sweeney care a reușit să îi ridice valoarea la suma de 31.5 miliarde dolari.


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