Google a anuntat recent un nou serviciu pentru reteaua sa sociala Google+, denumit Comunitatea Google+.
From photography to astronomy (and everything in between), Google+ has always been a place to crowd around common interests and meet new people. Whatâă€ă™s been missing, however, are more permanent homes for all the stuff you love: the wonderful, the weird, and yes, even the things that are waaay out there. With Google+ Communities thereâă€ă™s now a gathering place for your passions.
âă—ă Public or private membership to support all kinds of groupsâă€ă”from topics and interests to local neighborhoods to regular poker nights
âă—ă Discussion categories to find the conversations you care about most
âă—ă The option to start hangouts and plan events with community members
âă—ă The ability to share with your community from any +1 button across the web
Incepand de astazi, noul serviciu va fi integrat in aplicatia Google+. Icoana pentru versiunea web a fost modificata, iar cea pentru mobil urmeaza.
Mai multe detalii in acest video de prezentare.
Sursa: iClarified
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