După 1 an de zile, Apple a reușit să facă baza, însă din ceea ce veți vedea în video, mai este mult de muncă atât la fundație, parcare cât și la celelalte clădiri care vor fi ridicate. Dacă lucrurile vor merge tot așa, eu zic că în cel mult 2 ani de zile Apple Campus 2 va fi ridicat complet și va putea fi utilizat.

Așa ar trebui să arate varianta finală. Se zvonește că numele campusuli îl va omagia pe Steve Jobs.


Apple’s Campus 2 mega-project continues to progress on its “Spaceship” Ring, where concrete panels are filling out a floor. Tunnels that will connect to parking garages are emerging, the first parking structure is getting its finishing steps before the installation of solar panels.

Cook visits the work site periodically — including twice already with Apple’s board — and he exhibits an engineer’s glee at watching the 22 construction cranes that dot the landscape. He says Apple hasn’t decided yet exactly what it will call “Apple Campus 2,” the current internal designation. Some naming element of the buildings or the entire locale will almost certainly include an homage to Jobs, depending on his family’s wishes.

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