Celebra grupare a hackerilor din toata lumea, Anonymous de 1 an de zile fura date ale guvernului USA. Recent este facuta publica o notificare de catre cei de la FBI, cum ca date personale ale multor angajati din departamente ale guvernului au ajuns pe mainile hackerilor.
According to an internal email from Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, chief of staff, Kevin Knobloch, the stolen data included personal information on at least 104.000 employees, contractors, family members and other associated with the Department of Energy, along with information on almost 2.000 bank accounts. The email, dated October 11, said officials were very concerned that loss of the banking information could lead to thieving attemps.
Modalitatea hackerilor de a „penetra” sistemul american, este prin nimeni altul decat Adobe. Datorita unor brese de securitate au pus mana pe informatii confidentiale.
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