Aseară Apple a lansat, destul de târziu (ora noastră) noul update pentru sistemul de operare OS X, denumit El Capitan. Este disponibil gratuit pentru orice alt sistem de operare existent momentan. Macbook-urile suportate în acest moment sunt cele din 2009 încoace.
More than ever, Mac is the computer people love to use. And one of the biggest reasons is OS X. It’s what makes a Mac a Mac. OS X El Capitan, named for the iconic landmark in Yosemite National Park, builds on the groundbreaking features and beautiful design introduced in OS X Yosemite, refining the experience and improving performance in lots of little ways that make a big difference. And it’s free to upgrade.
OS X El Capitan brings lots of useful enhancements to your Mac. New ways to manage multiple windows and spaces. An even more powerful Spotlight for searching your Mac and beyond. Refinements to essential apps like Photos, Safari, Mail and Maps. An all-new Notes app for gathering your thoughts, photos, maps, web links and more. And faster performance across the board — from gaming to launching apps to accessing mail.
Se presupune că această versiune aduce stabilitate, performanțe ridicate și o față puțin mai stilizată.
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