Se pare ca cei de la General Motors vor implementa in urmatoarele Spark-uri cre vor iesi pe piata, pe “asistentul personal”, Siri.

  • Make voice-activated, hands-free calls to Contacts on their iPhone
  • Play songs in the iTunes library, and even switch music sources automatically from AM/FM/XM radio to iPod mode
  • Listen to, and compose and send an iMessage or text message to a phone number or anyone in saved Contacts
  • Access Calendar and add appointments
  • Minimize distraction even more by keeping the screen of the iPhone from lighting up, even when Siri answers simple questions such as game scores or the dates of national holidays
  • While in Eyes Free mode, Siri will not provide answers to complex questions that require displaying a web page.
FolosindÂă Chevrolet MyLink, utilizatorii vor putea folosi Siri pentru a scrie mesaje, face apeluri, rula melodii, face intrari in calendar, insa nu vor putea efectua cautari care implica deschiderea browserului.

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