Cei de la BitTorrent oferă invitații pentru versiunea pre-alfa a aplicației Bleep, o aplicație de chat care promite o securitate avansată, folosind metoda peer-to-peer ca și la torenți.
Astfel, vei comunica direct cu persoana respectivă, fără a fi nevoie de un server pentru a stoca sau folosi aceste date.
Bleep works under the same principle as BitTorrent. It’s serverless, so when you’re running the client you’re communicating directly with the other person you’re chatting with instead of running through a third-party server. (sursă)
Aplicația momentan este disponibilă doar pentru windows, iar în viitorul apropiat, o vom putea folosi pe toate platformele posibile.
It’s Windows 7/8 desktop only (other platforms coming later)
It’s Pre-Alpha, so we’re aware of some bugs and are expecting our testers to find some more
Users can sign-up with email, mobile number, or incognito (unlisted; meaning no account or Personal Identifiable Information is necessary)
Testers will be able to invite friends, but those friends will also need to be using Windows desktop (for now)
Testers will have the option to import their Google address book locally to the application to quickly find friends
Text and voice calls can be made to online contacts (no offline messages, yet)
The visuals, UI, and exposed features are still evolving; what is in the Pre-Alpha is not necessarily final
Currently, an account can only be used on a single device/installation and cannot be moved
Doritorii se pot înscrie pe o listă aici, iar dacă vor fi acceptați atunci o vor putea testa.
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