…conform ultimelor știri de zilele trecute când cei da la Tango au fost hăcuiți, iar atacatorii (cică Syrian Electronic Army) au pus mâna pe baza lor de date, de astă dată e rândul celor de la Viber să o ia în freză.
Citeam tweetul lui Radu și nu știam dacă e adevărat sau glumă.
Întradevăr este site-ul celor de la Viber, pe pagina principală funcționează, iar pagina de support este compromisă.
Mai jos găsiți lista cu administratorii celor de la Viber.
Iar următoarea poză ne arată ceva din baza de date a celor de la Viber, o mică parte cel mai probabil, iar acum nu se știe exact în ce situație sunt datele noastre.
Deocamdată nici un răspuns, sau cel puțin nimic la orizont despre Viber la tabloidele mari din lume.
Decât numărul de telefon, codul trimis și adresa de email ce poate să îmi ia?
English version:
After Tango, here it goes the Viber support site. After a leak info we found that the site has been hijacked, and i have in the picture above the administrators of Viber, with their name, email and phone number info.
They call themselves Syrian Electronic Army, and they put a huge screenshot with some database info. I have only made a screenshot from my Mac screen.
Now the support site is returning a 403 Forbidden page, in response that Viber is takeing care the problem. I can wait an official response from Viber with this situation.
Cheers and don’t forget follow @i0n1ca
Conform datelor oficiale date de cei de la Viber se pare că a fost doar un incident minor care a afectat doar interfata de suport la care au avut acces hackerii din cauza unui angajat care a dat click pe un link de phising!
The Viber offical response:
Today the Viber Support site was defaced after a Viber employee unfortunately fell victim to an email phishing attack. The phishing attack allowed access to two minor systems: a customer support panel and a support administration system. Information from one of these systems was posted on the defaced page.
It is very important to emphasize that no sensitive user data was exposed and that Viber’s databases were not “hacked”. Sensitive, private user information is kept in a secure system that cannot be accessed through this type of attack and is not part of our support system.
We take this incident very seriously and we are working right now to return the support site to full service for our users. Additionally, we want to assure all of our users that we are reviewing all of our policies to make sure that no such incident is repeated in the future. via iClarified.
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